photographed in Nature in different regions,
mostly in Siberia

Any use of images of this site must be accompanied with a reference to the author

All the pictures were taken in pure natural conditions without any restriction to a dragonfly freedom.

(Click an image to enlarge and see a detailed legend, often a story why this dragonfly or its very shot is interesting)


                                                            The copula right is intergeneric!!!

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last updated in February 2005


CALOPTERYGIDE (239 pictures) Last updated in December 2019

EUPHAEIDAE (83 pictures) Last updated in May 2018

CHLOROCYPHIDAE (79 pictures) Last updated in August 2019

PHYLOGANGIDAE (4 pictures of one species) Last updated in December 2016

MEGAOPODAGRIONIDAE (55 pictures) Last updated in December 2016

LESTIDAE (164 pictures) Last updated in September 2019

COENAGRIONIDAE (533 pictures) Last updated in December 2019

PLATYCNEMIDIDAE (169 pictures) Last updated in August 2019

PLATYSTICTIDAE (19 pictures) Last updated in December 2019

PROTONEURIDAE (48 pictures) Last updated in December 2016

AESHNIDAE (301 pictures) Last updated in November 2019


CORDULEGASTRIDAE (20 pictures) Last updated in August 2017


GOMPHIDAE (336 pictures) Last updated in December 2019

CORDULIIDAE, SYNTHEMISTIDAE and MACROMIIDAE (104 pictures) Last updated in November 2019


LIBELLULIDAE (1040 pictures) Last updated in January 2020

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ETHIOPIA (96 pictures) Last updated in January 2013


WESTERN EUROPE (210 pictures) Last updated in January 2018


IRAN (101 pictures) Last updated in May 2018


Miscelaeous fragments of Russian odonatological literature translated by O. Kosterin into English

View the list of dragonfly taxa preserved in Siberian Zoological Museum at the Institute of Systematicsand Ecology of Animals. Novosibirsk.
(including images of Belyshev's type specimens)

By clicking highlighted references you'll see the very text (without illustrations)

Zaika, V.V., Kosterin, O.E. 1987. [Community structure and ethological aspects of dragonflies of Lake Manzherok (Altai)]. In: [Ecology and Geography of Arthropods of Siberia]. Nauka (Siberian Division), Novosibirsk. pp. 73-74 (in Russian)

Kosterin, O.E. 1987. Discovery of East-Asiatic dragonfly (Odonata, Libellulidae) at the Manzherock Lake (Altay). In: [Insects, Mites, and Helmints. New and little-known species of the fauna of Siberia]. Nauka (Siberian Division), Novosibirsk. pp. 57-63. (in Russian)

Kosterin, O.E. 1987. [Dragonfly community of Lake Manzherok]. In: [Problems of formation of communities terrestrial and aquatic biocenoses]. OmGPI, Omsk. pp. 76-92. (in Russian)

Kosterin O.E. 1989. To the dragonfly fauna of Altai Mts. Theses of the All- Union Scientific-Practical Conference "Problems of Ecology of Mountainous Regions" 9-13 October 1989. Dushanbe. pp. 6-10 (in Russian)

Kosterin, O.E. 1992. New distribution records of Somatochlora sahlbergi Trybom (Odonata, Corduliidae). Acta Hydroentomo- logica Latvica - Vol. 2 - P. 22-26.Russian text is available here

Zaika, V.V., O.E.Kosterin. 1992. Some interesting observations of dragonflies (Odonata) in South Tuva. Acta Hydroentomologica Latvica Vol. 2 - P. 81-84.Russian text is available here

Kosterin, O. E., V. V. Zaika. Materialy oi strekozam (Odonata, Insecta) k Krasnoy Knige Respubliki Altai. [Materials on dragonflies (Odonata, Insecta) Diurna) for the Red Book of Altai Republic]. In: Materialy k Krasnoi knige Respubliki Altai (zhivotnye). [Materials for the Red Data Book of Altai Republic (animals)], N. P. Malkov, ed. - Gorno-Altaisk State University - Gorno-Altaisk - 1995 - p. 96-97 (in Russian)

Kosterin, O. 1996. Dragonflies (Odonata) of the city of Omsk. Acta Hydroentomologica Latvica - Vol. 3 - P. 10-21.

Kosterin, O.E. 1996. Items: Sympetrum croceolum Selye 1883; Ischnura pumilio Charpentier, 1825; Nechalenia speciosa Charpentier, 1840. Zaika, V.V., Kosterin O.E. Item: Anax parthenope Selys, 1839. In: The Red Book of Altai Republic. Animals. Novosibirsk. pp. 44-49, 54-56. (in Russian)

Kosterin, O. E. 1998. Vazhnye nakhodki v faune strekoz (Odonata) Daurskogo zapovednika i ego okrestnostei. [Important findings in the dragonfly (Odonata) fauna of the Dahurian Nature Reserve and its environs. In: Problems of Entomology in Russian]. Abstracts for XI Congress of Russian Entomological Society, Sanct-Petersburg, - Vol. 1 - P. 210-211< (in Russian). Available in Russian and English)

O.E. Kosterin. 1999. Dragonflies (Odonata) of the Daurskii State Nature Reserve and its surroundings. In: Nasekomye Daurii i sopredel'nykh territorii (Sbornik nauchnykh trudov). Vypusk II. [Insects of Dauria and Adjacent Terrtories. (Collected scientific works). Issue II]. - Novosibirsk - P. 5-40. (in Russian, Engl. res.)
English translation available here

O. E. Kosterin. 2000. Observation of an intergeneric copulation between a male Cordulia aenea (l.) and a female Epitheca bimaculata (Charp.) (Anisoptera: Corduliidae). Notulae Odonatologicae, Vol. 5, No. 5, p. 55-56.

Krasnaya Kniga Chitinskoi oblasti i Aginskogo Buryatskogo Avtonomnogo okruga. Zhivotnye [Red Book of Chita Province and Aginskii Buryat Autonomous Region. Animals.]. A. M. Vozmilov, ed. - 2000 - Poisk - Chita. Items: by O. E. Kosterin: Strelka v-chernoe, Cercion v-nigrum (Needham, 1930) - p. 140-141; Dedka Maaka, Anisogomphus maackii (Selys, 1872) [= Gomphus m-flavum (Selys, 1872)] - p. 141-142; Dozorshchik iyul'skii, Anax parthenope Selys, 1839, ssp. julius Brauer, 1866 - p. 142-143; Brodyazhka ryzhaya, Pantala flavescens (Fabricius, 1798) - p. 145-146. By O. E. Kosterin and E. A. Maksimenko: Babka Zal'berga - Somatochlora sahlbergi Trybom, 1889 - p. 143-144. (in Russian)

Kosterin, O. E., Haritonov, A. Y., Inoue, K. 2001. Dragonflies of the part of Novosibirsk Province east of the Ob', Russia. - Sympetrum Hyogo - Vol. 7/8 - p. 24-49 (in English and Japanese).

Kosterin, O. E., Zaika, V. V. 2001. Odonate fauna of the Tyva Republic, or Tuva (Central Siberia). - The Fifteenth International Symposium of Odonatology. Abstracts. Novosibirsk, Russia, July 9-19, 2001 - pp. 10-11.

Krasnaya kniga Respubliki Tyva. Zhivotnye [Red Data Book of Tyva Republic. Animals, N. I. Putuintsev, ed.]. 2002. SO RAN Press, Geo Branch, Novosibisrk, 167 p. Articles: Kosterin, O. E. Dedka shiporogii Ophiogomphus spinicornis Selys, 1878 - p. 14. (in Russian)

Kosterin, O. E. 2002. Western borders and isolates of some generally East Asian odonate species in South Siberia and their putative origin. - In: The first Symposium of the SIOROEA (S.I.O. Regional Office in East Asia. Abstracts and program. - National Science Museum, Daejeon, July 26-29 2002 - p. 12-13.

Kosterin, O. E., V. V. Zaika. 2003. Odonatological expeditions to the Tyva Republic (Tuva) 2000-2002. IDF-Report 5: 1-32.

Kosterin, O. E. 2004. Odonata of the Daurskii State Nature Reserve area, Transbaikalia, Russia. Odonatologica 33 (1): 41-71.

Kosterin, O. E. 2004. Some Odonata collected in Aldan Ulus of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic in Late June 2002. Notulae Odonatologicae 6 (3): 27-31.

Kosterin, O. E., E. I. Malikova, O. E. Haritonov. 2004. Critical species of Odonata in the Asian part of the former USSR and the Republic of Mongolia. International Journal of Odonatology 7: 341-370.

Dubatolov, V. V., R. Yu. Dudko, V. G. Mordkovich, O. B. Korsun, S. E. Chernyshev, D. V. Logunov, Yu. M. Marusik, A. A. Legalov, S. V. Vasilenko, L. G. Grishina, G. S. Zolotarenko, A. V. Barkalov, V. P. Petrova, P. Ya. Ustjuzhanin, S. Yu. Gordeev, V. K. Zihcnenko, M. G. Ponomarenko, I. I. Lyubechanskii, N. N. Vinokurov, O. E. Kosterin, E. I. Malikova, A. L. L'vovskii, E. A. Maksimenko, E. E. Malkov, A. N. Streltzov, S. G. Rudykh, D. A. Mil'ko. 2004. Biodiversity of the Sokhondo Nature Reserve. Arthropoda. Sokhondo Nature Reserve, Institute of Systematics and ecology of Animals SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Chita, 415 p. (in Russian) [a part on Odonata, pp. 81-87, by O. E. Kosterin, E. I. Malikova, E. A. Maksimenko, O. V. Korsun].

Dumont, H., A. Y. Haritonov, O. E. Kosterin, E. I. Malikova, O. G. Popova. 2005. A review of the Odonata of Kamchatka peninsula, Russia. Odonatologica 34 (2): 131-153

Kosterin, O. E. 2005. Western range limits and isolates of eastern odonate species in Siberia and their putative origins. Odonatologica 34 (3): 219-242.

Kosterin, O. E., Dubatolov V. V. 2005. A dragonfly (Odonata) collection from the Bol'shekhekhtsirskii State Nature Reserve (Khabarovskii Krai, Russia) - Fauna of Russian Far East: collected research papers. Volume 5 - Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University, Blagoveshchensk - P. 9-14.

Kosterin O. R., Vikhrev N. E. 2006. Odonata seen during three days in a populated lowland part of Cambodia. Malangpo 21: 212-217.

Kosterin, O. E., O. V. Korsun. 2006. A collection of Odonata from the Argun' (Hailar) River basin in Transbaikalia, East Siberia, Russia. - Notulae Odonotologicae 6: 81-85.

Bernad, R., O. E. Kosterin. 2007. Odonatologiczne impresje z Riowniny Wasjuganu, zachodnia Syberia. Odonatrix 3 (2): 50-58.

Kosterin, O. E. 2007. The first record of Anax of the West Siberian Plain: A. p. parthenope Selys in Omsk (Anisoptera: Aeshnidae). Notulae Odonatologicae 6 (10): 112-115.

Malikova E. I., O. E. Kosterin, V. V. Dubatolov. 2007. A dragonfly (Odonata) collection from the Bolshekhekhtsirskii State Nature Reserve (Khabarovskii Krai, Russia). II. Seasons 2006 and 2007. In: Zhivotnyi mir Dal'nego Vostoka [Animal World of the Far East], A. I. Streltzov ed., Issue 6, p. 5-9. A PDF-file

Bernard, R., O. Kosterin. 2008. Field notes of two hunters for Nechalennia speciosa in boggy Vasyugan Plain, West Siberia. IDF-Report 12: 1-34. A PDF-file

Kosterin, O. E. 2007. Strekozy (Insecta, Odonata) Akademgorodka [Dragonflies (Insecta, Odonata) of Akademgorodok]. In: Priroda Akademgorodka: 50 let spustya [The Nature of Akademgorodok: 50 years passed], I. F. Zhimulev (ed.), SO RAN Publishing House, Novosibirsk, pp. 74-91 (In Russian).

Kosterin, O. E., N. E. Vikhrev. 2008. Odonatological field notes of two January trips to south-eastern Thailand in 2005 and 2006. Malangpo 22: 222-236.

Kosterin, O. E. 2008. Observations on the crepuscular flight in Aeshna viridis Eversman in Omsk Province, West Siberia (Anisoptera: Aeshnidae). Notulae odonotalogicae 7 (2): 18-20.

Kosterin, O. E., L. V. Sivtseva. 2009. Odonata of Yakutia (Russia) with description of Calopteryx splendens njuja ssp. nov. (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae). Odonatologica 38 (2): 93-202.

Kosterin, O. E., I. I. Lyubechanskii. 2009. Odonata collection from the Bureinskii State Nature Reserve, Khabarovskii Krai, Russia. Notulae odonatologicae 7 (3): 25-27.

Kosterin, O., N. Vikhrev. 2009. Some new provincial records of Odonata made in Thailand in 2007-2009 and a new record for Vietnam. Agrion 13 (2): 75-79, only this paper.

Kosterin, O. E. 2009. Observation of flying activity of Ophiogomphus spinicornis Selys, 1978 (Insecta, Odonata. Gomphidae) in Shiveelig-Khem River plain, Ubsunur Hollow, Southern Tuva. In: Nature of Ubsu-Nur Hollow Reserve. Transaction of "Ubsunur Hollow" State Biospheric Reserve. Issue 1, Darma Press, Krasnoyarsk, p. 226-232. (in Russian)

Bernard, B., O. E. Kosterin. 2010. Biogeographical and ecological description of Odonata of eastern Vasyugan Plain, West Siberia, Russia. Odonatologica 39: 1-28.

Kosterin, O. E., P. G. Gorbunov. 2010. Notes on the Odonata fauna of Kazakhstan, including the first record of Ischnura evansi Morton (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). // Notulae odonatologicae 7: 45-48.

Kosterin, O. E. 2010. Siberian taxonomical problems concerning European odonate species. 1st European Congress on Odonatology, Programme and abstracts, 2-5 July, Vaira~o - Vila do Conde, Portugal, p. 28

Kosterin, O.E., S.N. Borisov. 2010. Dragonflies (Odonata) of the Dzhungarskiy Alatau mountains, South-East Kazakhstan. Eurasian Entomological Journal 9: 299-302.

Kosterin, O.E., V.V. Zaika. 2010. Odonata of Tuva, Russia. International Journal of Odonatloogy 13: 277-328.

Kosterin, O.E. 2010. A glance at the Odonata of the Cambodian coastal regions: end of dry season in 2010. International Dragonfly Fund Report 29: 1-75.

Kosterin, O., N. Vikhrev, V. Zinchenko, A. Korshunov. 2011. More Odonata records from Thailand. Agrion 15: 12-16.

Kosterin, O.E., N.V. Skalon, T.N. Skalon. 2011. Interesting findings of Odonata in the Kuzhentskiy Alatau Mts. north-eastern foothills. Amurian Zoological Journal 3: 124-127

Kosterin, O. E. 2011. Odonata of the Cambodian coastal regions revisited: beginning of dry season 2010. International Dragonfly Fund Report 40: 1-108.

Kosterin, O.E., V.V. Zaika. 2011. Fauna of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of Tuva. // Amurian Zoological Journal 3: 210-245 (in Russian)

Kosterin, O.E., J. Holden. 2011. Some photographic records of Odonata in Cambodia. International Dragonfly Fund Report 42: 1-6.

Day, L., D. Farrell, A. Guenther, M. Hamalainen, E. Klimsa, A. Korshunov, O. Kosterin, N. Makbun, A. Pelegrin, U. Roeder, R. Ruangrong, N. Vikhrev. 2012. New provincial records of Odonata from Thailand mostly based on photographs. Agrion 16: 16-24.

Kosterin O. 2012. Odonata of the Cambodian coastal regions in late rainy season of 2011. // International Dragonfly Fund Report, Vol. 45, pp. 1-102.

Kosterin O.E. 2012. A rapid survey of Odonata on Bokor Plateau, Preah Monivong National Park, Cambodia. // Cambodian Journal of Natural History, Vol. 2012, pp. 75-86.

Kosterin, O.E., N. Makbun, P. Dawwrueng. 2012. Burmagomphus asahinai sp. nov., a new species from Cambodia and Thailand, with a description of the male of B. gratiosus Chaoi, 1954. // International Journal of Odonatology, Vol. 15, pp. 275-292.

Kosterin, O.E., G. Chartier, J. Holden, F.S. Mey. 2012. New records of Odonata from Cambodia, based mostly on photographs. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2012: 150-163.

Skalon, N.V. (ed.). 2012. Krasnaya Kinga Kemerovskoi oblasti. T. 2. Redkie i nakhodyashchiesya pod ugrozoi ischeznoveniya vidy zhivotnykh. [Red Data Book of Kemerovo Province. V. 2. Rare and threatened animal species] - Asia-Print, Kemerovo, 192 p. Articles: Dronzikova, M.V., O.E. Kosterin, T.N. Skalon: Calopteryx japonica Selys, 1869 - p. 23; Anax parthenope (Selys, 1839) - p. 24; Skalon, T.N., O.E. Kosterin, N.V. Skalon:. Gomphus vulgatissimus (Linnaeus, 1758) - p. 26 (in Russian).

Kosterin O.E. 2013. Brief Odonata survey in North Ethiopia during heavy rainy season of 2012. // International Dragonfly Fund Report, Vol. 56, pp. 1-54.

Medvedev, A.F.m O.E. Kosterin, E.I. Malikova, W. Schneider. 2013. Description date of Somatochlora exuberata Bartenev, Leucorrhinia intermedia Bartenev and Sympetrum vulgatum grandis Bartenev, the fate of A.N. Bartenev’s type specimens and designation of the lectotype of L. intermedia (Anisoptera: Corduliidae, Libellulidae). Odonatologica – Vol. 42 – pp. 211-228.

Kosterin O.E. 2013. Somatochlora arctica (Zett.) seems to migrate to escape wildfires (Anisoptera, Corduliidae). Notulae odonatologicae – Vol. 8 – pp. 35-36.

Popova. O.N., S.N. Borisov, O.E. Kosterin, B. Kiauta. 2013. Obituary. Anatoly Yuryevich Haritonov. Odonatologica – Vol. 42 – pp. 409-425.

Kosterin O.E. 2013. [New data on dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of Akademgorodok and its surroundings.]. In: I.F. Zhimulev (ed.), Dinamika ekosistem Novosibirskogo Akademgorodka [Dynamics of Ecosystems of Novosibirsk Academy Town], SO RAN Publishers, Novosibirsk, p. 204-209 (in Russian).

Kosterin, O.E. 2014. Odonata of the sourth-west and north-east of Cambodia as studied in early rainy season of 2013. International Dragonfly Fund Report 67: 1-94.

Kosterin, O.E. 2014. Notes on infraspecific variation of some Gomphidae (Odonata) species in Cambodia. Internaional Dragonfly Fund Report 68: 1-16.

Kosterin, O.E. 2014. Odonata briefly observed on the islands of Bali and Lombok, Lesser Sundas, Indonesia, in the late Febriary 2014. International Dragonfly Fund Report 74: 1-48.

Kosterin, O.E., G. Chartier. 2014. Two more Odonata species recorded from Cambodia. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2014: 8-11

Kosterin OE, Constant J, Wilson KDP. 2014. Neotype of Pseudagrion approximans Selys, 1867 designated to resolve a nomenclatorial confusion in the genus Aciagrion Selys, 1891 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) // International Journal of Odonatology 17: 161-172. DOI:10.1080/13887890.2014.959075

Borisov, S.N., Kosterin O.E. 2014. On the fauna of Odonata of Chukotka and other northern regions of the Holarctic. // Eurasian Entomological Journal. 13 (4): 315-320.

Borisov, S.N., Kosterin O.E. 2014. Dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of north-eastern Kazakhstan. // 13 (4): 339-345.

Kosterin O.E. 2015. Taxonomical notes on Indolestes Fraser, 1922 (Lestidae, Zygoptera). 1. Indolestes gracilis expressior ssp. nov. from eastern Cambodia. // International Dragonfly Fund – Report 81: 1-11.

Kosterin O.E., R. Poggi. 2015. Taxonomical notes on Indolestes Fraser, 1922 (Lestidae, Zygoptera). 2. Indolestes birmanus (Selys, 1891) is bona species. // International Dragonfly Fund – Report 81: 13-20.

Kosterin O.E., H. Karube, R. Futahashi. 2015. Two new subspecies of Hemicordulia tenera Lieftinck, 1930 (Corduliidae) from Cambodia and Thailand. // International Dragonfly Fund – Report – Vol. 82 – P. 1-19.

Kosterin O.E. Risiophlebia guentheri sp. nov. (Odonata, Libellulidae) from southeastern Indochina. // Zootaxa 3964: 138-145.

Kosterin O.E. 2015. Taxonomic and faunal notes on Macromia Rambur, 1842 from Cambodia (Odonata: Macromiidae). // Odonatologica 44: 117-151

217. Kosterin O.E. 2015. Onychargia priydak sp. nov. (Odonata, Platycnemididae) from eastern Cambodia. // International Journal of Odonatology. Vol. 18. Iss. 2. P. 157-168.

Zhang H.-m., Kosterin O.E., Cai C.-h. 2015. New species and records of Burmagomphus Williamson, 1907 (Odonata, Gomphidae) from China. // Zootaxa. Vol. 3999. Issue 1. P. 62-78

Kosterin O.E. 2015. Prodasineura hoffmanni sp. nov. (Odonata, Platycnemididae, Disparoneurinae) from eastern Cambodia. // Zootaxa. Vol. 4027. Iss. 4. P. 565-577.

Kosterin O.E. 2015. Ischnura foylei sp. nov. (Odonata, Coenagrionidae) from the highlands of Sumatra. // Zootaxa. Vol. 4032. Iss. 4. P. 179-189.

Kosterin O.E. 2015. On the Odonata of North Kazakhstan Province. I. First data on Petropavlovsk. // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 86. P. 1-26.

Kosterin O.E. 2015. Odonata registered on a short excursion to Kyshtovka District, Novosibirsk Province. // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 86. P. 29-46.

Kosterin O.E. 2015. Dry season Odonata of the Cardamonean coast (Cambodia and Thailand) revisited. // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 89. P. 1-36.

Kosterin, O.E. & Yokoi N. 2016. Asiagomphus reinhardti sp. nov. (Odonata, Gomphidae) from eastern Cambodia and southern Laos. // Zootaxa Vol. 4103. Issue 1. P. 35-42.

Kosterin, O.E. 2016. Microgomphus alani (Odonata, Gomphidae) sp. nov. from Cambodia. // Zootaxa Vol. 4114. Issue 3. P. 341-350.

Joshi, S., Kosterin, O.E., Kunte, K. 2016. New status for Fraser’s forgotten Aciagrion approximans krishna, stat. nov. (Odonata: Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) from the Western Ghats of India. // International Journal of Odonatology, Vol 19. No. 1-2. P. 41-51.

Kosterin, O.E. 2016. Reconsideration of the genera Merogomphus Martin, 1904, and Anisogomphus Selys, 1857, including erection of a new genus, with a new species and discussion of additional specimens from Cambodia. // Zootaxa, Vol. 4171. Issue 1. P. 051-076.

Kosterin, O.E. 2016. Coeliccia poungyi dasha subsp. nov. (Odonata, Platycnemididae, Calicnemiinae) from eastern Cambodia. International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 97. P. 1-16.

Kosterin, O.E. 2016. A survey of Odonata of Mondulkiri, the elevated eastern province of Cambodia, for ten days in June 2014. International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 98. P. 1-85.

Kosterin, O.E., Chartier, G. 2017. Update of 2014 and 2016 to Odonata found at the marshy coast of SW Cambodia including three species added for the country. International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 101. P. 1-26.

Kosterin, O.E. 2017. A short survey of Odonata in Stung Treng Province in northern Cambodia in mid-summer 2016. International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 105. P. 1-40.

Kosterin, O.E., Solovyev V.I. 2017. Odonata found in mid-summer 2015 and 2016 at the north-westernmost Black Sea Coast of the Caucasus, with the first record of Cordulegaster picta Selys, 1854 in Russian Federation. // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 107. P. 1-43.

Kosterin, O.E. 2017. Calopteryx virgo feminalis subsp. nov., a long known under the same name but hitherto formally nameless subspecies from the Caucasian Black Sea Coast. // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 107. P. 45-57.

Sasamoto A., Futahashi R., Kosterin O.E., Malikova E.I. 2017. Note on Orthetrum melania (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) from Kunashir Island with a reference to its subspecific status. // Tombo. Vol. 59. P. 74-76.

Kosterin, O.E., Kompier. T. 2017. Coeliccia rolandorum sp. nov. from eastern Cambodia and southern Vietnam, the eastern relative of C. kazukoae Asahina, 1984 (Odonata: Platycnemididae). // Zootaxa, Vol. 4341, Issue 4, P. 509-527.

Krasnaya Kniga Respubliki Altai. Zhivotnye [Red Data Book of Altai Republic. Animals]. 3rd edition. 2017.A.V. Bondarenko ed., Gorno-Altaisk, 368 p. Articles: O. E. Kosterin: Sympetrum croceolum Selys, 1883 (p. 33-35); Anax parthenope Selys, 1839 (p. 36-37); Ischnura pumilio Charpentier, 1825 (p. 37-38); Nechalennia speciosa Charpentier, 1840 (p. 39-41); A.Y. Haritonov, O.E. Kosterin: Macromia amphigena fraenata Martin, 1906 (p. 41-42). (In Russian)

Kosterin, O.E. 2017. Update to Odonata of the Black Sea coast of the western Caucasus, Russia. // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 110. P. 1-23.

Kosterin, O.E. Too pervert: an attempt of an interfamiliar homosexual copulation wheel in damselflies. // Agrion, Vol. 22, Issue 1, P. 52-53.

Schorr, M., Kosterin, O.E., Borisov, S.N., Marinov, M. 2018. Anormogomphus kiritshenkoi Bartenev, 1913 (Odonata: Gomphidae): a literature review of the variable spelling of the species epithet, choice of the correct spelling and notes on the type locality of the species. // Zootaxa. Vol. 4370. Issue 4. P. 439-445.

Kosterin, O.E., Zaika, V.V. 2018. Update to the knowledge of Odonata of Tuva and southern Krasnoyarskiy Kray, Siberia, Russia. // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 113. P. 1-28.

Kosterin, O.E., Ahmadi, A. 2018. Odonata observed in Central Zagros, Iran, in late May 2017. // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 117. P. 1-65.

Karube H., Kosterin, O.E. 2018. Mattigomphus gen. nov., a new gomphid genus from Indochina region, separated from Anisogomphus (Odonata: Gomphidae). // Tombo. Vol. 60. P. 61-65.

Kosterin, O.E., Kompier, T. 2018. Amphicnemis valentini sp. nov. from the Cardamom ecoregion in Cambodia and Vietnam (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). // Zootaxa. Vol. 4429. No. 2. P. 281-294.

Kosterin O.E., Borisov S.N. 2018. New records and migration strategy of Anax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839) (Odonata, Aeshnidae) in the territory of Russian Federation. Euroasian Entomological Journal. Vol. 17. Issue 1. P. 73-79.

Kosterin, O.E. 2018. Spring aspect of Odonata of the Abrau Peninsula, the Black Sea coast of the West Caucasus, as observed in May 2018. // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 120. P. 1-13.

Kosterin, O.E. 2018. Macromidia genialis buusraaensis subspecies nova (Odonata, Synthemisidae s.l.) from eastern Cambodia. // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 121. P. 1-26. 263. Kosterin, O.E. 2018. Macromidia genialis buusraaensis subspecies nova (Odonata, Synthemisidae s.l.) from eastern Cambodia. // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 121. P. 1-26.

Kosterin, O.E., Chartier, G. 2018. More Odonata found at the Cardamonean foothills in Koh Kong Province of Cambodia in 2014-2018. // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 123. P. 1-21.

Kosterin, O.E. 2018. Rediscovery of Lestes nigriceps Fraser, 1924 (Odonata: Lestidae) in eastern Cambodia. // Zootaxa. Vol. 4526. No. 4. P. 561-575.

Hamalainen, M., Kosterin O.E., Kompier, T. 2019. Euphaea cyanopogon sp. nov. from the Cardamom ecoregion in Cambodia and Vietnam (Odonata: Euphaeidae). // Zootaxa, Vol. 4555, Issue 1, p. 28-44.

Kosterin O.E., Garrison, R., Kompier, T., Farrell, D. 2019. Taxonomical notes on Indolestes (Lestidae, Zygoptera). 3. Male and clarified type locality of Indolestes anomalus Fraser, 1946. // Zootaxa, Vol. 4555, Issue 1, p. 67-78.

Kosterin, O.E. 2019. Update of 2017-2018 to Odonata of Kampong Saom Peninsula, Cambodia. // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 129. P. 1-24.

Malikova, E.I., Kosterin, O.E. 2019. Check-list of Odonata of the Russian Federation. // Odonatologica. Vol. 48. Issue 1/2. P. 49-78.

Kosterin, O.E. 2019. On Odonata of Phnom Tumpor (Cambodia) in the late dry season (March 2019). // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 132. P. 1-26.

Kosterin, O.E. 2019. New synonyms and a new subspecies of Macrogomphus Selys, 1858 (Odonata: Gomphidae) from continental south-east Asia. // Zootaxa. Vol. 4615. Issue 1. P. 057-090

Kosterin, O.E., Gribkov, A.V. 2019. The first record of Libellula depressa Linnaeus, 1758 (Odonata: Libellulidae) in Siberia, Russia. Acta Biological Sibirica. Vol. 5 (2): 30-32.

Kosterin, O.E. 2019. Amendments and updates to F.C. Fraser’s key to Indian Lestes spp. (Odonata: Lestidae) to resolve confusion of L. patricia Fraser, 1924 and L. nigriceps Fraser, 1924, with notes on L. nodalis Selys 1891 and L. garoensis Lahiri, 1987. Zootaxa. Vol. 4671. Issue 2. P. 297-300.

Kosterin, O.E. 2019. Odonatological results of a trip across the southern Far East of Russia in the first half of July 2014. International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 136. P. 1-65.

Kosterin, O.E. 2019. Description of a female and variation of Microgomphus alani Kosterin, 2016 (Odonata: Gomphidae) in Cambodia, with a note on sexual dimorphism in Microgomphus spp. // Zootaxa. Vol. 4701. Issue 3. P. 276-290.

Kosterin O.E. 2020. A misleading representation of the Asian distribution of a most intriguing dragonfly, Somatochlora sahlbergi Trybom, 1889: a critique of Kohli et al. (2018). Odonatologica. Vol. 49. Issue 1/2. P. 51-56.

Kosterin O.E. 2020. [Fauna of dragonflies (Odonata) and butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of the Shlyuzovskoy forest-bog complex]. In N.P. Mironycheva-Tokareva (ed.) [Uique Nature Monument, “Skazochnyy” Shlyuzovskoy Forest-Bog Complex. Ecology and Protection. Materials of the regional scientifi-practical conference, 19th April 2018]. Okarina, Novosibirsk, pp. 78-88 (in Russian)

Kosterin, O.E. 2020. First data on Odonata of Prey Long forest in Cambodian Lowland. // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 154. P. 1-28.

Kosterin, O.E. 2020. Odonata of the great Lake Tonle Sap of Cambodia, as examined in 2017-2019. // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 154. P. 29-98.

Kosterin, O.E., Smith, E. 2020. Odonata of Phnom Kulen Mts, Cambodia: a preliminary checklist. // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 154. P. 99-184.

Kosterin, O.E. 2020. Miscellaneous faunal data on Odonata of Cambodia. // International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 154. P. 185-224.

Onishko, V., Kosterin, O. 2021. Dragonflies of Russia. Illustrated Photo Guide. Phyton XXI. Moscow, 480 p. (in Russian; English abstract).

Kosterin, O.E. 2021. Burmagomphus williamsoni eddiei subsp. nov. (Odonata, Gomphidae) from northern Cambodia. International Dragonfly Fund Report. Vol. 161. P. 1-15.

Kosterin, O.E., Onishko, V.V. 2021. Two newly recorded dragonfly species (Odonata: Libellulidae) for the Novosibirsaya Oblast of Russia. Euroasian Entomological Journal. Vol. 20. No. 4. P. 221-228.

Onishko, V.V., Kosterin, O.E., Emelyanov E.G. 2021. Anax nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915 (Odonata, Aeschnidae): A new addition to the fauna of Russia. Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 516–519

Ilyina, E.V., Onishko, V.V., Kosterin, O.E. 2022. Strekozy (Odonata) klastera “Del’ta Samura” natsional’nogo parka “Samurskiy” [Dragonflies (Odonata) of the Samur Delta Cluster of Samurskiy National Park’. // Trydy Gosudarstvennogo Prirodnogo Zapvednika “Dagestanskiy”. Vol. 18. P. 31-50 (In Russian).

Onishko, V.V., Kosterin, O.E. 2022. Ischnura elegans malikovae subspecies nova (Odonata, Coenagrionidae) from the Far East of Russia, with discussion of other possible subspecies // Zootaxa. Vol. 5120. Issue 4. P. 573-585.

Kosterin O.E. 2022. Data on dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of the Katon Karagai National Nature Park, Altai Mts, Kazakhstan // Trydy Katon-Karagayskogo gosudarstvennogo natsional’nogo prirodnogo parka [Proceedings of the Katon-Karagai State National Nature Park], Volume 2. Media-Alyans, Oskemen, p. 175-187.

Onishko, V.V., Kosterin, O.E., Blinov, A.G., Sukhikh, I.S., Ogunleye, A.T., Schroeter, A. 2022. Aeshna soneharai Asahina, 1988, stat. rev., bona species – an overlooked member of European fauna? (Odonata: Aeshnidae) // Odonatologica, Vol. 51, No. 1-2, p. 111-145.

Onishko, V.V., Kosterin, O.E., Voinov, I.O. 2023. Results of odonatological studies in southern Primorye, Russia, in 2011-2020. // International Dragonfly Fund Report, vol. 177, pp. 1-59.

Kosterin, O.E. 2023. Odonata of Aldan Ulus of Yakutia (East Siberia, Russia): 20 years later. // International Dragonfly Fund Report, vol. 179, pp. 1-34.

Kosterin O.E. 2023. Reconsideration of the three Odonata taxa described by A.N. Bartenev from the same place in West Caucasus. Odonatologica. Vol. 52, Iss. 1/2 p. 89-126.

Schneider, T., Vierstraete, A., Kosterin, O.E., Ikemeyer, D., Hu F.-S., Snegovaya, N., Dumont, H.J. 2023 Molecular phylogeny of Holarctic Aeshnidae with a focus on the West Palaearctic and some remarks on its genera worldwide (Aeshnidae, Odonata). Diversity, vol. 15, 950.

Kosterin, O.E. 2023. Nomenclatural reconsideration of the genera Aeschnophlebia Selys, 1883 and Planaeschna McLachlan, 1896 (Odonata, Aeshnidae). Zootaxa, Vol. 5353, Issue 5, P. 495-500.

Vogt T.E., Kosterin O.E. Colby J. 2023. Single syntypes of Somatochlora exuberata Bartenev, 1910 (Odonata: Corduliidae), discovered in both the Milwaukee Public Museum and the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, U.S.A., with designation of the lectotype. Zootaxa, Vol. 5380, Issue 6, P. 577-586.

Ilyina, E.V., Kosterin, O.E., Onishko, V.V. 2024. First data on dragonflies (Odonata) of Dagestan highlands, Russia. Euroasian Entomological Journal 23 (1): 1-17.

Kosterin, O.E., Delflosse, E. 2024. Lectotypification of Macromia pyramidalis Martin, 1907 (Odonata: Macromiidae) and its nomenclatural consequences. Zootaxa 5447 (1): 145-150.

Schneider, T., Vierstraete, A., Kosterin, O.E., Ikemeyer, D., Hu, F.-S., Novelo-Gutiérrez, R., Kompier, T., Everett, L., Jr., Müller, O., Dumont, H.J. 2024. Molecular Phylogeny of the Family Cordulegastridae (Odonata) Worldwide. Insects 2024 (15): 622.

Kosterin, O.E. 2024. Photographic recording dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of Cambodia by public over a decade. International Dragonfly Fund Report 189: 1-19.

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