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All the pictures were taken in pure natural conditions without any restriction to a dragonfly freedom. Any use of images of this site must be accompanied with a reference to the author
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CALOPTERYGIDAE Mnais mneme Ris![]()
Neurobasis chinensis L.
Vestalis gracilis Rambur
EUPHAEIDAE Euphaea cyanopogon Cambodia
Euphaea masoni
Euphaea inouei
Euphaea masoni ssp.
Euphaea sanguinea
Dysphaea gloriosa Fraser
CHLOROCYPHIDAE Aristocypha fenestrella Rambur
Aristocypha fulgipennis
Heliocypha biforata Selys
Heliocypha perforata Percheron
Libellago hyalina
Libellago lineata
Rhinocypha seducta Hamalainen et Karube
PHILOGANGIDAE Philoganga loringae Fraser
PHILOSINIDAE Rhinagrion hainanense Wilson et Reels
Rhinagrion viridatum Fraser
LESTIDAE Lestes concinnus Hagen
Lestes elatus Hagen
Lestes nigriceps
Lestes platystylus Hagen
Lestes praemorsus Selys
Orolestes octomaculatus
COENAGRIONIDAE Aciagrion approximans Selys
Aciagrion borneense Ris
Aciagrion hisopa
Agriocnemis minima Selys
Aciagrion pallidum Selys
Amphicnemis valentini Kosterin et Kompier
Archibasis viola Lieft.
Argiocnemis rubescens rubeola Selys
Ceriagrion azureum Selys
Ceriagrion calamineum Lieft.
Ceriagrion cerinorubellum Brauer
Ceriagrion indochinense Asahina
Ceriagrion malaisei Schmidt
Ceriagrion olivaceum
Ceriagrion praetermissum Lieftink
Ischnura senegalensis Rambur
Mortonagrion falcatum Lieft.
Paracercion calamorum dyeri Fraser
Paracercion malayanum
Pseudagrion australasiae
Pseidagrion microcephalum Rambur
Pseudagrion pruinosum Burm.
Pseudagrion rubriceps Selys
Pseudagrion williamsoni Fraser
PLATYCNEMIDIDAE Coeliccia kazukoae Asahina (=C. megumii Asahina)
Coeliccia poungyi Fraser ssp. dasha Kosterin
Coeliccia yamasakii Asahina
Copera marginipes
Copera vittata Selys
Onychargia atrocyana
Onychargia priydak Kosterin
Prodasineura autumnalis Fraser
Prodasineura coerulescens Fraser Cambodia
Prodasineura doisuthepensis Hoess Cambodia
Prodasineura hoffmanni Kosterin Cambodia
Prodasineura verticalis sensu Asahina nec Selys
Pseudocopera ciliata Selys
PLATYSTICTIDAE Protosticta grandis Asahina
Protosticta caroli
AESHNIDAE Anax guttatus Burmeister
Anax immaculifrons Rambur
Gynacantha demeter Ris
Gynacantha subinterrupta Rabmur
Polycanthagyna erythromelas Selys
Tetracanthagyna waterhousei McLachlan
GOMPHIDAE Asiagomphus reingardti Kosterin et Yokoi Cambodia
Burmagomphus asahinai Kosterin, Makbun et Dawwrueng
Burmagomphus divaricatus Lieftinck
Euthygomphus schorri Kosterin
Euthygomphus yunnanensis Zhou et Wu
Gomphidictinus perakensis Laidlaw
Heliogomphus chaoi Karube
Ictinogomphus decoratus Selys
Lamelligomphus castor Lieftinck Cambodia
Macrogomphus kerri Fraser
Macrogomphus phalantus jayavarman Kosterin Fraser
Nepogomphus walli Fraser
Nychogomphus duaricus Fraser
Paragomphus capricornis Foerster
Corduliidae Epopthtalmia frontalis Selys
Idionyx thailandica Hamalainen
Macromia sp.
Macromidia ralida Martin
LIBELLULIDAE Aethriamanta brevipennis Rambur
Aethriamanta gracilis Brauer
Agrionoptera insignis Rambur
Acisoma panorpoides Rabur
Brachydiplax chalybea Brauer
Brachydiplax farinosa Krueger
Brachygonia oculata Brauer
Brachythemis contaminata Fabr.
Chalybeothemis fluviatilis Lieftinck Cambodia
Cratilla lineata Brauer
Crocothemis servilia Drury
Diplacodes nebulosa Fabr.
Diplacodes trivialis Rambur
Indothemis limbata Selys
Lathrecista asiatica Fabr.
Lyriothemis elegantissima Selys
Lyriothemis mortoni Ris
Macrodiplax cora Brauer
Nannophya pygmaea
Neurothemis fluctians Fabr.
Neurothemis fulvia Rambur
Neurothemis intermedia Ris
Neurothemis tullia Drury
Onychothemis culminicola Foerst.
Onychothemis testacea Laidlaw
Orchithemis pulcherrima Brauer
Orthetrum chrysis Selys
Orthetrum glaucum Brauer
Orthetrum luzonicum Brauer
Orthetrum neglectum Rambur
Orthetrum sabina Drury
Orthetrum testaceum Burmeister
Orthetrum triangulare Selys
Palpopleura sexmaculata Fabr.
Pantala flavescens Fabr.
Potamarcha congener Rambur
Pseudothemis jorina Foerster
Rhodothemis rufa Rambur
Rhyothemis obsolescens Kirby
Rhyothemis plutonia Selys
Rhyothemis triangularis Kirby
Rhyothemis variegata Rambur
Risiophlebia guentheri Kosterin
Tetrathemis flavescens Kirby
Tetrathemis platyptera Selys
Tholymis tillarga Fabr.
Tramea transmarina Brauer
Trithemis aurora Burm.
Trithemis festiva
Trithemis pallidinervis
Zygonyx iris Burm.
Urothemis signata Rambur
Zyxomma petiolatum Rambur
1. Kosterin O. R., Vikhrev N. E. 2006. Odonata seen during three days in a populated lowland part of Cambodia. Malangpo 21: 212-217.
7. Kosterin, O.E., N. Makbun, P. Dawwrueng. 2012. Burmagomphus asahinai sp. nov., a new species from Cambodia and Thailand, with a description of the male of B. gratiosus Chaoi, 1954. International Journal of Odonatology, Vol. 15, pp. 275-292.
12. Kosterin OE, Constant J, Wilson KDP. 2014. Neotype of Pseudagrion approximans Selys, 1867 designated to resolve a nomenclatorial confusion in the genus Aciagrion Selys, 1891 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). International Journal of Odonatology 17: 161-172.
15. Kosterin O.E. Risiophlebia guentheri sp. nov. (Odonata, Libellulidae) from southeastern Indochina. Zootaxa 3964: 138-145.
16. Kosterin O.E. 2015. Taxonomic and faunal notes on Macromia Rambur, 1842 from Cambodia (Odonata: Macromiidae). Odonatologica 44: 117-151
17. Kosterin O.E. 2015. Onychargia priydak sp. nov. (Odonata, Platycnemididae) from eastern Cambodia. International Journal of Odonatology. Vol. 18. Iss. 2. P. 157-168.
18. Kosterin O.E. 2015. Prodasineura hoffmanni sp. nov. (Odonata, Platycnemididae, Disparoneurinae) from eastern Cambodia. Zootaxa. Vol. 4027. Iss. 4. P. 565-577.
20. Kosterin, O.E. & Yokoi N. 2016. Asiagomphus reinhardti sp. nov. (Odonata, Gomphidae) from eastern Cambodia and southern Laos. Zootaxa Vol. 4103. Issue 1. P. 35-42.
21. Kosterin, O.E. 2016. Microgomphus alani (Odonata, Gomphidae) sp. nov. from Cambodia. Zootaxa Vol. 4114. Issue 3. P. 341-350.
22. Kosterin, O.E. 2016. Reconsideration of the genera Merogomphus Martin, 1904, and Anisogomphus Selys, 1857, including erection of a new genus, with a new species and discussion of additional specimens from Cambodia. // Zootaxa, Vol. 4171. Issue 1. P. 051-076.
27. Kosterin, O.E., Kompier. T. 2017. Coeliccia rolandorum sp. nov. from eastern Cambodia and southern Vietnam, the eastern relative of C. kazukoae Asahina, 1984 (Odonata: Platycnemididae). // Zootaxa, Vol. 4341, Issue 4, P. 509-527.
29. Kosterin, O.E., Kompier, T. 2018. Amphicnemis valentini sp. nov. from the Cardamom ecoregion in Cambodia and Vietnam (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). // Zootaxa. Vol. 4429. No. 2. P. 281-294.
32. Kosterin, O.E. 2018. Rediscovery of Lestes nigriceps Fraser, 1924 (Odonata: Lestidae) in eastern Cambodia. // Zootaxa. Vol. 4526. No. 4. P. 561-575.
33. Hamalainen, M., Kosterin O.E., Kompier, T. 2019. Euphaea cyanopogon sp. nov. from the Cardamom ecoregion in Cambodia and Vietnam (Odonata: Euphaeidae). // Zootaxa, Vol. 4555, Issue 1, p. 28-44.
36. Kosterin, O.E. 2019. New synonyms and a new subspecies of Macrogomphus Selys, 1858 (Odonata: Gomphidae) from continental south-east Asia. // Zootaxa. Vol. 4615. Issue 1. P. 057-090
Kosterin, O.E. 2019. Description of a female and variation of Microgomphus alani Kosterin, 2016 (Odonata: Gomphidae) in Cambodia, with a note on sexual dimorphism in Microgomphus spp. // Zootaxa. Vol. 4701. Issue 3. P. 276-290.