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From the dephth of my heart I pass my gratitude to Drs. Kiyoshi INOUE and LEE Seung-Mo who made possible the marvelous trip to Japan and Korea
All the pictures were taken in pure natural conditions without any restriction to a dragonfly freedom. The letter "c" means that coloured transparences are available, "bv" means that there are black-and-white pictures.
Any use of images of this site must be accompanied with a reference to the author
(Click an image to enlarge and see the detailed legend)
CALOPTERYGIDAE Calopteryx atrata Selys Japan (Shikoku) c![]()
Calopteryx cornelia Selys Japan (Shikoku) c
MEGAPODAGRIONIDAE Rhipidolestes hiraoi Yamamoto Japan (Shikoku) c
LESTIDAE Indolestes peregrinus Selys S Korea c
Japan (Honshu) c
Lestes japonicus Selys Japan (Shikoku) c
COENAGRIONIDAE Aciagrion migratum Selys S Korea c
Agriocnemis femina oryzae Japan (Shikoku) c
Ceriagrion auranticum Selys S Korea c
Ceriagrion melanurum Selys S Korea c
Ceriagrion nipponicum Asahina Japan (Shikoku) c
Ischnura asiatica Brauer S Korea c
Ischnura senegalensis Rambur S Korea c
Paracercion calamorum Ris S Korea c
Japan (Shikoku)
Paracercion hieroglyphicum Brauer Japan (Shikoku) c
Paracercion sieboldii Selys Japan (Shikoku) c
PLATYCNEMIDIDAE Copera annulata Selys Japan (Honshu)
Platycnemis foliacea Selys Japan (Shikoku)
Platycnemis phyllopoda Djak. S Korea
AESHNIDAE Aeshna nigroflava Martin Japan c
Gynacantha japonica Bart. Japan (Shikoku) c
Anax parthenope julius Brauer S Korea c
Planaeshna milnei Selys Japan (Shikoku) c
Polycanthagyna melanictera Selys Japan (Honshu) c
CORDULEGASTERIDAE Anotogaster sieboldii Selys Japan (Shikoku) c
GOMPHIDAE Burmagomphus collaris Needham S Korea c
Onychogomphus viridicostis Japan (Shikoku) c
Sieboldius albardae Selys Japan (Shikoku) c
Sinictinogomphus clavatus Japan (Shikoku) c
Sinogomphus flavolimbatus Oguma Japan (Shikoku) c
LIBELLULIDAE Crocothemis servilia S Korea c
Japan (Shikoku) c
Lyriothemis pachygastra S Korea c
Orthetrum albistylum speciosum Uhler S Korea c
Japan c
Orthetrum melania Selys S Korea, Japan
Pantala flavescens Fabr. S Korea c
Pseudothemis zonata S Korea c
Rhyothemis fuliginosa Japan (Shikoku) c
Sympetrum eroticum Selys Japan (Shikoku) c
S Korea
/A> Sympetrum frequens Sel. Japan (Honshu) c
Sympetrum gracile Oguma Japan (Honshu) c
Sympetrum kunckeli Selys Japan (Shikoku) c
Sympetrum parvulum Bart. Japan (Shikoku) c
Sympetrum speciosum Oguma Japan (Honshu) c