The Altai Mountains
A forb meadow on the Predaltaiskaya Plain
Relic granite rocks at Lake Kolyvanskoe at the western Altai foothills
Taigous NE Altai
Lake Teletskoe NE corner at Yaylyu village
The Korbu waterfall at the Lake Teletskoe E bank
The Chulyshman River valley
Lime rocks grown up with pines on the Anuiskii Mt. Range southern slope at village Chernyi Anui
Siberian stone pines (Pinus sibirica on the Seminskii Pass
The Sarlyk Mt. southern slope, the Seminskii Mt. Range
The Chike-Taman Pass on the Chuiskii Trakt road
The Katun' River at Bol'shoi Yaloman
Barren cliffs of the Terektinskii Mt. Range (viewed over the Katun' River gorge) at the village Inya.
The Chuya River
The Chuya River valley 5 and 50 km upstream of its mouth
A cryophyte highland steppe in the intermontane hollow Chuiskaya Steppe
The Taldura River valley
A huge creep in the epicentre of the September 2003 earthquake
Sofiiskii Glacier on the Yuzhno-Chuiskii Mt. Range northern slope
The Iiktu mountain
Lake Tarkhattinskoe at the junction of the Yuzhno-chuiskii and Sailyugem Mt. Ranges
The Dzhazator River
Siberian stone pines (Pinus sibirica) on a crest of a ridge in the Dzhazator River valley
Siberian larches (Larix sibirica ) on a crest of a ridge in the Dzhazator River valley
Larch taiga on a northern slope of a small mountain ridge inside the Dzhazator River valley
Last larches in montane tundras in the Chikty River valley descending from the Yuzhno-Chuiskii Mt. Range to the Dzhazator River
A valley of the Chikty River descending from the Yuzhno-Chuiskii Mt. Range to the Dzhazator River
A view on the Ukok Plateau from the Yuzhno-Chuiskii Mt. Range
An alpine meadow on the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain range (right)
A valley of an anonymous torrent descending from the Yuzhno-Chuiskii Mt. Range to the Dzhazator River
Lichens on a moraine closing the cirque from where an anonymous torrent descends from the Yuzhno-Chuiskii Mt. Range to the Dzhazator River
The Ilyas mountain
A view on the Tabyn-Bogdo Ola Range through the Ukok Plateau from the Yuzhno-Chuiskii Mt. Range
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