All the photos are taken in pure natural conditions and depict fully free butterflies and moths. I add some main synonims, unfortunately, in many cases the nomenclature, especially generic, is still unstable and I am not able to adduce all the circulating synonyms.
PAPILIONIDAE Achillides maackii Primorye, Khabarovskiy Kray Papilio machaon Novosibirsk, Kamchatka + + bw l - " - Altai Mts. bw ssp. kamtschadalus Kamchatka Sinoprinceps xuthus Transbaikalia + (=Papilio xuthus) Iphiclides podalirius Crimea + - " - Caucasus bw l Sericinus montela in captivity + + bw l Parnassius phoebus Altai Mts. + + bw l Magadan R., Kamchatka + + bw Parnassius actius N. Tien-Shan + + Parnassius tianschanicus N. Tien-Shan (larva) + bw l only Parnassius nomion Transbaikalia + + l,p only - " - Altai Mts., Tuva + bw Parnassius apollo Altai Mts. + bw - " - N.Tien-Shan, + + - " - Novosibirsk,Omsk Region + + bw l Parnassius mnemosyne Parnassius stubbendorfii Novosibirsk Region + l - " - Magadan Region + + bw - " - Altai Mts. + bw Gornaya Shoria Mts. Parnassius eversmanni Altai and Sayan Mts. + + bw Parnassius ariadne Altai Mts. bw (= Parnassus clarius)