PNL Volume 20
van Loon, J.J.A., J.-L. Harrewijn, N. van Dijk, and A. van
SVP, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Research programs aimed at
breeding for disease resistance to three fungal pathogens and the northern
root knot nematode were initiated at the SVP in 1986. The first step is to
identify resistance sources in the pea collection available in The
Netherlands and in material obtained from gene banks. These sources will
subsequently be exploited in crosses with desirable cultivars.
Fusarium and Phoma resistance
A hydroponic culture setup proved
to be a satisfactory screening method. It allows visual inspection of root
systems and developing symptoms of pathogen attack at any moment
without damaging the roots. Hydroponic culture also allows a
controlled and reproducible root nutrition. Besides, chemical, physical,
and microbial parameters can easily be manipulated .
A comparison of different methods
of inoculation demonstrated the possibility to shorten the duration of
resistance tests. In the past a dip inoculation of roots of two-week-old
plants into a spore suspension of known concentration was applied.
However, seed inoculation yielded satisfactory differentiation of
resistance levels and shortened resistance tests by two weeks. Both
Fusarium solani and Phoma medicaginis can be inoculated
successfully in this way (2).
Variation in virulence between
pathogen isolates was investigated in more detail. Fusarium
isolates clearly differed in pathogenity. Pea genotypes differed in
resistance in accordance with literature data. No interactions between pea
genotypes and pathogen isolates were found. Maintenance of Fusarium
solani isolates as chlamydospores in silversand and subsequent
propagation on either Czapek Dox- or PDA-agar resulted in loss of
virulence. Fusarium solani isolates were obtained from diseased
roots of Pisum sativum, Phaseolus vulgaris, and Vicia
faba plants grown in soils that had been continuously cropped with
these respective leguminous species. By cross inoculation experiments a
forma specialis pisi of Fusarium solani could be identified. With
Phoma medicaginis only minor differences in virulence were noted
between 12 isolates. Virulence remained stable using the maintenance
and propagation procedures described. |
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Screening of the pea collection of
the Centre for Genetic Resources of The Netherlands under greenhouse
conditions was started. This screening is carried out separately for
both pathogens. Thirty pea accessions were also screened in a field
nursery. In both greenhhouse and field screenings significant differences
in resistance were established. The most resistant accessions, however,
still showed a degree of susceptibility that prevents them from being
utilized as resistance sources.
Continuation of screenings to
identify resistance sources have priority. These putative sources will
subsequently be used in breeding programs. Special attention will be paid to the recombination of
forms of resistance that may be based on different mechanisms to be able
to increase the resistance level. Downy mildew
In three experiments a glasshouse
screening method was developed using young pea plants in growth
stage 104 (1). Using the method, 28 pea varieties were tested with fysio 7
for differences in partial resistance. Significant differences were found
for the characters percentage of sporu-lating leaves and the average
percentage of sporulating leaf area.
In a field experiment 52 pea
varieties were screened with fysio 5. Significant differences between
varieties were found for the
characters percentage of plants affected, time of the beginning of
sporulation, size of the lesions, and intensity of
Crosses have been made and are being
made between interesting sources of resistance.
Research has been started on the
induction of oospores. When inoculated plants, grown at 15C, are
transferred from 15C to 22C at the end of the latent period and kept dry, oospores
are induced. By this method inoculum can be produced for screening
for resistance to primary systemic infection. Meloidogyne hapla
In an experiment on J-2 larvae
production, Calendula officinalis L. gave the highest
multiplication rate of ML hapla, followed by tomato and lettuce.
When the roots with egg masses were gathered 7 weeks after ino-culation
significantly fewer hatched
larvae were found compared with gathering after 8 or 9 weeks. Larvae were
hatched out of an egg suspension on a 25 mkm sieve in water at 25C.
Fourteen days after the beginning 40-95% of the larvae were
The screening method was developed
further. Seeds are sown in pvc tubes filled with silversand. Prehatched
larvae are used for inoculation 14 days after sowing. The best growth of the plants and an optimal level ol
infection were found using 96
ml tubes and 300 larvae per plant. Seed-coating with benomyl or thiram and
inoculation with Phoma medicaginis did not affect the number of
knots per plant. Forty varieties were screened for resistance for M. hapla. No high level of resistance was
found. Only small differences occurred which were difficult to reproduce.
A rapid screening of the CGN and SVP pea collections has been
started. |
Knott, C. M. Ann. Appl. Biol.
Safer, D., F. J. Muehlbauer, and
J. M. Kraft. 1982. Crop Sci.
22:988-992. |