ON CHROMOSOME 7 Swiecicki, W. K. Plant Breeding Station, Wiatrowo, Poland
A characteristic feature of the growth and development of
legume plants is the lack of clear demarcation between the vegeta- tive and generative phases. Conversely, in cereals the growth of the vegetative mass ceases at the time of flowering and assimi- lates are destined for filling grains. A similar plant model for legumes wherein there is a clear end of the vegetative growth may result in assimilates being transported to seeds and resulting in earlier, more uniform maturity with possibly higher seed yield. Other mechanisms of changing the vegetative/reproductive relation- ships are known. In white lupine, for example, the cultivar 'Wat' sheds its leaves in the full, green pod stage. Moreover, narrow- -leaved, unbranched genotypes of white and yellow lupine have been selected, i.e. a single main stem develops with the inflorescence on the top. Additionally, nodes with single flowers appear in- stead of branches (3). The field bean (Vicia faba), like the pea, produces inflorescences on successive nodes along the stem axis. But a mutation type with determinate growth, controlled by a sin- gle gene, has been found (I); the stem is terminated with an in- florescence. A gene with similar effect was found in pea in 1980 after
seed treatment of line Wt 3527 with a combined dose 200r Nf + 0.014% NEU (2,A) and reported for the first time at the Eucarpia meeting, Section for Gene Resources (5). Plants are characterized by an inflorescence at the top of the stem and a small number of flowering nodes (Fig. 1). Sometimes apical flowers are abnormal (open) but fertile. The mutant was assigned catalog number Wt 16100 in the Wiatrowo genebank. The line is phenotypically similar to a mutant collected at
John Innes Institute (Matthews, personal communication). In the locus/allelism test (Wt 16100 x JI 1358) the F1 plants were of the determinate growth type, indicating that both mutants are con- trolled by the same gene. For the linkage test, tester line WL 1238 was crossed with
mutant Wt L6100. F1 plants were normal and the F2 segregation showed monogenic, recessive inheritance (Table 1A). The suggested symbol for this character is det (determinate growth). Dihybrid segregation showed linkage between Det and markers
on chromosome 7, viz. R and Tl (Table IB). Further analyses for mapping with selected testerlines for chromosome 7 are in pro- gress. |
1. Starzycki, St. 1981. Proc. XIV Int. Conf. Genet., Vol. I,
Book II, Moscow, pp. 260-267. 2. Swiecicki, W. K. 1983. Hod. Ros. Ak. Nas 27(4):2217276.
3. Swiecicki, W. 1984. Proc. Illrd Intl. Lupin Conf., La
Rochelle, France, JLA:191-205. 4. Swiecicki, W. K. 1984. PNL 16:84-86.
5. Swiecicki, W. K. 1986. Eucarpia, Genetic Resources Sect.,
Symposium, Warsaw/Radrikow. p. 24. |
PNL Volume 19
Table 1. Phenotypic distribution in F2 population segregating for
determinate growth from the cross WL 1238 (tester line)
x Wt 16100 (det). A. Monohybrid F2 segregation
B. Joint segregation of Det with R and Tl
Fig. 1. Determinate growth in Pisum.