PNL Volume 19 1987 RESEARCH
Muehlbauer, F. J. USDA, ARS,
Pullman, WA U.S.A.
Several races of the pea wilt fungus
(Fusarium oxysporum f.
sp. pisi) cause economic losses in the pea growing regions of the U. S. and other countries. Resistance to four races of the fungus (races 1, 2, 5, and 6) is reportedly controlled in each case by single dominant genes (1,2,3,4,6). Wade (6) was able to show that resistance to race 1 was controlled by a single dominant gene (Fw) linked by about 30 map units to Le on chromosome 4. Resistance to race 2 or "near wilt" is controlled by a single dominant gene de- signated as Fnw (7). The gene for resistance to race 2 (Fnw) was reported by Wells e_t al. (7) to be about 40 map units from Fw; however, his F3 data indicated independence of the two genes, and no linkage of Fnw with Le was found. The chromosomal lo- cations of the genes for resistance to races 5 and 6 of wilt are unknown and no linkage studies have been reported. For our study, we tentatively
designated the gene for resis- tance to race 5 as 'Fwf'. To determine the chromosomal locations and linkage relationships of the genes for resistance to races 2, 5, and 6, we crossed known wilt-resistant material with genetic stocks that were chosen for marker genes on the seven chromosomes. Because the gene for resistance to race 1 (Fw) is reportedly on chromosome 4, we initially concentrated our studies on that chro- mosome and attempted to determine whether Fnw and Fwf were located there as well. Our approach was to develop F2 populations that were well characterized for the morphological markers and various isozyme loci followed by scoring F3 families from individual F2 plants for resistance or susceptibility to the races of wilt. |
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In F3 families from populations
of F2 plants segregating for morphological genes in chromosome 4 (v, le, Np, Td, fa, was, and n), it appeared that Fwf is linked to Le (Table 1) with a recombination fraction estimated at 29%. Fwf did not show lin- kage with n; however, Fwf appeared to be loosely linked to v as expected based on the apparent close linkage of v with Le. Fwf and Le appeared to be linked in two other segregating families (Tables 2 and 3) with recombination fractions of 34% and 39%. respectively. The probabilities associated with the chi-squares were 0.07, 0.09, and 0.08, respectively; however, the consistency of results among populations indicate a likely linkage of Fwf with Le. Fwf showed some linkage with lum, a gene tentatively placed on chromosome 4. However, Fwf did not appear to be linked to fa, n, or Np. |
Table 1. Joint segregation (A285-283 to A285
286) |
_F3 families
of Prob- Recomb. genes
n +/+ +/-
-/+ -/- X2
Fraction |
Table 2. Joint segregation (A285 280 to
A285-282) |
F3 families
of Prob- Recomb. genes
n +/+ +/- -/+ -/-
X2 ability
Fraction |
43 |
In populations segregating for
Fwf, Td, and fa, it was
apparent that Fwf was not linked to Td as would be expected if Fwf were located on chromosome 4 in proximity to Le (Table 4). Also, Fwf, was very loosely linked to fa as would be expected based on where fa is placed in that linkage group. The genes for resistance to races
1 and 5 (Fw and Fwf,
respectively) both appear to be linked with Le and with similar recombination fractions. The results indicate a probable close linkage of Fw with Fwf. We are currently developing the lines needed to test this apparent linkage. Fwf was also linked to v and to lum indicating that chromosome.4 is the probable location of Fwf. The lack of linkage with Td and other markers on chromosome.4 may indicate that the gene is in a distal position to Le; however, further information (5) indicates that Td may be located elsewhere in the genome. Acknowledgment:
Families A283-250 to A283-259, shown
in Table 3, were pro- vided by G. A. Marx. |
1. Haglund, W. A. and J. M. Kraft. 1970.
Phytopathology 60
1861-1862. 2. ' Haglund, W. A. and J. M. Kraft. 1979.
Phytopathology 69
3. Haglund, W. A. and J. M. Kraft. 1979.
Phytopathology 69
818-820. 4. Hare, W. W., J. C. Walker and E. H. Delwiche.
1949. J.
Agric. Res. 78:239-250. 5. Marx, G. A. 1987. PNL 19:38.
6. Wade, B. L. 1929. Wise. Agric. Exp. Stn. Res.
Bull. 97.
32 p. 7. Wells, D. G., J. C. Walker and W. W. Hare. 1949.
Phyto- pathology 11:907-912. |
44 PNL Volume 19 1987 RESEARCH
Table 3. Joint segregation of pairs of loc1 (A283-250 to
A283-259) |
Pairs _F3
of Prob- Recomb. genes
n +/+ +/-
-/+ -/- X2
Fraction |
Table 4. Joint segregation of
pairs of lod (W286-104, W286-89 and
W286-92 families Pairs F3 families
of genes n
+/- -/+ -/- X2 ability
Fraction |
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