Acta Hydroentomologica Latvica 2 (1992): 22-26
A Russian version
All-Union Entomological Society
A rare circumboreal dragonfly species Somatochlora sahlber-
gi Trybom was described from the lower reaches of the Yenisey
[Енисей] river (Plakhino [Плахино] and Dudinka [Дудинка] villa-
ges) (Белышев, Оводов, 1961; Белышев, 1973). Later it was found
in a number of distant localities situated mostly north from the
60th parallel, in northern taiga and forest-tundra zones. They
are, namely, former North Finland (Petsamfjord - recently Pe-
chenga [Печенга], Murmansk region, USSR) (Valle, 1931); Polar
Ural (surroundings of settlement Labytnangi [Лабытнанги])
(Харитонов, 1975); peninsulas Yamal [Ямал] (the Tanlovaya
[Танловая] river) (Белышев, Коршунов, 1976), Gydan [Гыдан], and
Taymyr [Таймыр] (Белышев, Харитонов, 1981); the middle flow of
the Kolyma [Колыма] river (Verkhniy Seymchan [Верхний Сеймчан]
town) (Белышев и др., 1978); Kamchatka (the Pauzhetka [Паужетка]
river) (Белышев, Харитонов, 1981), Alaska (the Kuskokwim river);
North-West Canada (the mouth of the MacKensie river) (Белышев,
Оводов, 1961; Белышев, 1973; Белышев, Харитонов, 1981). In the
North-West Siberia (Polar Ural, Yamal, Gydan) this species appe-
ared to be abundant (Белышев, Харитонов, 1975).
In 1960 S. sahlbergi was unexpectedly collected in South
Pribaykalye [Южное Прибайкалье] - in Tunkin Valley [Тункинская
долина] near Turan [Туран] village (200 km WSW from Irkutsk ci-
ty, 18 km from the boundary of Mongolia) at a latitude of 52
(Белышев, Оводов, 1961). Based on this finding B.F.Belyshev sup-
posed the species to inhabit a vast territory of Siberian taiga
expanding as south as the mountains of South Siberia. However,
in his later work he regarded the Tunkin population as a glacial
relict, and even described the only male specimen obtained as a
new subspecies S.s.relicta Belyshev, differing from the typical
one by the shortage of the yellow basal coloration of the wings
and by the lighter color of the hairs covering the anal appenda-
ges. Nevertheless, this subspecies was not mentionned in his mo-
nograph "Dragonflies of Siberia", where broad Siberian areal of
the species was again supposed.
It was this supposition that appeared to be true as S.
sahlbergi was found in the mountains of South Siberia in tho
other points: in Kuraiskiy mountain range [Курайский хребет] of
Altai (25 km NNW from Aktash [Акташ] village) (Костерин, 1989),
and in West Saian [Западный Саян] (surroundings of Abaza [Абаза]
town, 150 km SW from Abakan [Абакан] city, 270 km NNE from the
previous site) (Харитонова, 1990, and a personal communication
by Dr I.N.Haritonova). In July 1989 the fourth southern locality
was added: a male of the species was caught by Gleb Kamalutdinov
(to whom I express my gratitude for his collection) in the moun-
tain-mass of East Manyi [Восточный Маный], situated by the midd-
le flow of the Bolshoy Abakan [Большой Абакан] river (Tashtyb
district, Krasnoyarsk region [Таштыбский район, Красноярский
край] - 325 km SW from Abakan, 160 km SW from the previous si-
te), that is at the joint of Altai and West Saian.
Another point can be also added to the northern findings: a
male of S.sahlbergi was collected by me on July 12, 1989 in Pen-
insula Koni [Кони], Magadan region, Ola district [Магаданская
область, Ольский район] (Ola section of preserve "Magadanskiy"
[Ольский участок заповедника "Магаданский"]).
The biology of the species was described by K.J.Valle (1931)
for North Finland and by Haritonov (Харитонов, 1975) for Polar
Ural. In Finland the species has been met in the vicinity of a
sphagnum moor surrounded by fjell slopes covered with subarctic
birch elfin wood, at the upper limit of the subarctic belt. Ima-
gines were observed flying at wood margins and alongside brooks,
whereas larvae were found in a big hollow in the moor, and also
in tiny spring-fed pools situated at the edge of the moor.
In the surroundings of Labytnangi (that are the lower
reaches of the Ob river and adjacent regions of Polar Ural) lar-
vae was found in small (8-20 m in diameter) but rather deep (not
less than 0.5 m) semi-current reservoirs in flood-land forests,
forest-tundra, and, if situated in relief depressions, in open
tundra. The presence of moss or sedge was necessary for larvae
to occur in a reservoir. Usually they prefer to keep to densely
growing Comarum palustre L. In 1973 imagines were observed from
June 14 to August 27. They were active only for windless weather
and flew far away from reservoirs they reared from.
In Kamchatka this scarce dragonflies appeared to develop in
little (2-3 m) but deep and cold pools situated at the terraces
of the Pauzhetka river, which are covered with alternating mea-
dows, heath, siberian dwarf-pine (Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel)
elfin wood and stone birch (Betula ermani Cham.) groves.(A. Yu.
Haritonov, personal communication).
In Peninsula Koni S.sahlbergi was found in the environment
much resembling the previously mentionned one. Although this
mountainous peninsula is situated at 59 n.l., the influence of
the Ochot sea makes the climate severe so that tundra goes down
to the coast, and river valleys even at low altitudes exhibit
forest-tundra landscapes. The only presenting forests are narrow
belts of Chosenia arbutifolia (Pall.) A.Skvortz. and Populus
suaveolens Fisch. alongside rivers, and small massives of Betula
ermani at south exposed slopes. The majority of mountain slopes
are covered with dwarf-pine (Pinus pumila) elfin wood, while
thinned out bushes of dwarf-pine (being 4-5 m height there) and
shrubby alder (Alnus fruticosa Rupr.), meadows (with a big share
of tundra-specific species in the plant species compound)
alternate in valley bottoms. It was such a bottom of the valley
of the Burgauli [Бургаули] river , at altitude of 200 m above
sea level and 10 km north from the Ochot coast, where a male of
S. sahlbergi was found flying above a clearing, that was crossed
by a slowly flowing brook about 1-2 m width. (This male had been
frightened off this site, and then appeared again after several
minutes, so there was apparently its individual territory.)
Another individual, probably female, was observed (but not
caught) flying just above the surface of the brook beneath
bushes. As there was no stagnant reservoirs detected, this
dragonflies develop probably in such brooks or in branches of
the Burgauli.It should be noted that for a month of our work in
the peninsula these was the only dragonflies met.
It would be very interesting to know what kinds of
environment this northern species inhabits in lower latitudes,
however, this is a matter of further investigations, since the
data obtained are too fragmentary. In Tunkin valley S. sahlbergi
was found at the altitude of about 800 m above sea level, at
semi-current reservoir in river-side spruce forest in an island
of the Irkut [Иркут] river. In the Saians it was observed in the
subalpine plainy top surfaces of mountains that are of the
average altitude of about 1500 m in the surroundings of Abaza
(I.N.Haritonova, personal communication), and in subalpine
stone-pine (Pinus sibirica (Rupr.) Mayr) parkland at 1700 m in
East Manyi. In East Altai the species was found in boggy
mountain tundra at 2000 m. Thus, S. sahlbergi in the southern
part of its areal tends to inhabit alpine regions
environmentally resembling high latitudes, although it is not so
in the case of Tunkin locality.
It is not excluded that the considered species with such a
vast areal could be diversified into some subspecies, however,
the data are insufficient in this respect. In particular, S. s.
relicta could hardly appear to be a real subspecies.
I am happy to express my gratitude to Drs. A. Yu. Harito-
nov and I.N.Haritonova for kindly supplying information concer-
ning S. sahlbergi occurrence in Kamchatka and the Saians.
Белышев Б.Ф. Новая форма стрекозы (Odonata) из Южной Сибири. //
Новые и малоизвестные виды фауны Сибири. Вып. 4. - Новоси-
бирск: Наука, - 1971 г. - с. 5-6 [ Belyshev B.F. New form of
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Белышев Б.Ф. Стрекозы Сибири (Odonata). Т.1, ч.2. - Новоси-
бирск: Наука - 1973 г. - с. 372-377. [Belyshev B.F. The dra-
gonflies of Siberia (Odonata). Vol. 1, part 2. - Novosibirsk:
Nauka - 1973 - p. 372-377.]
Белышев Б.Ф., Бессолицына Е.П., Костин Х.С. , Полякова П.Е. Новые
даные по однатофауне (Insecta, Odonata) Северо-Восточной
Азии. // Членистоногие Сибири. - Новосибирск: Наука, - 1978
г. - с. 39-45. [Belyshev B.F., Bessolitsina E.P., Kostin H.
C., Polyakova P.E. New data on odonatofauna (Insecta, Odona-
ta) of North-East Asia. In: Arthropods of Siberia. - Novosi-
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Белышев Б.Ф., Коргунов Ю.П. Новые материалы к познанию одонато-
фауны (Insecta, Odonata) Заполярной Сибири. //Фауна гельмин-
тов и членистоногих Сибири. - Новосибирск, Наука: - 1970 г. -
с. 151-156. [Belyshev B.F., Korshunov Yu. P. New material for
the study of odonatofauna (Insecta, Odonata) of Transpolar
Siberia. In: Fauna of helmintes and arthropods of Siberia. -
Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1970, p. 151-156.]
Белышев Б.Ф., Оводов Н. Somatochlora sahlbergi Trybom (Odonata,
Insecta) в Южной Сибири. // Зоол. журн. - 1961 г. - т.40, - N
12, - с. 1892-1893. [Belyshev B.F., Ovodov N. Somatochlora
sahlbergi Trybom (Odonata, Insecta) in South Siberia. Zool.
Zhurn., 1961, 40, p. 1892-1893.]
Белышев Б.Ф., Харитонов А.Ю. География стрекоз (Odonata) Боре-
ального фаунистического царства. - Новосибирск, Наука, - 1981
г. - с. 232. [Belyshev B.F., Haritonov A.Yu. The geography of
dragonflies (Odonata) of Boreal faunistic kingdom. - Novosi-
birsk, Nauka, 1981, p. 232.]
Костерин О.Е. К фауне стрекоз Горного Алтая. // Всесоюзная науч
но-практическая конференция "Проблемы экологии горных регио-
нов", 9-13 октября 1989 г. Тез. докл., Секция Одонатологии. -
Душанбе - 1989 - с. 6-10. [Kosterin O.E. To dragonfly fauna
of Mountain Altai. In: All-Union scientific-practical confe-
rence `Problems of Ecology of Mountainous Regions', Oct. 9-
13, 1989. Odonatology Section, Dushanbe, 1989, p.6-10.]
Харитонов А.Ю. К биологии малоизвестного вида стрекоз Somato-
chlora sahlbergi Trybom (Odonata, Corduliidae) // Таксономия
и экология животных Сибири (Новые и малоизвестные виды фауны
Сибири. Вып. 9.) - Новосибирск: Наука - 1975 г. - с.
21-23. [Haritonov A. Yu. On the biology of little-known spe-
cies of dragonflies Somatochlora sahlbergi Trybom (Odonata,
Corduliidae). In: Taxonomy and ecology of animals of Siberia
(New and little-known species of Siberian fauna, issue 9). -
Novosibirsk: Nauka - 1975 - p. 21-23].
Харитонова И.Н. К фауне стрекоз (Insecta, Odonata) гор юга Сиби-
ри.// Членистоногие и гельминты (Фауна Сибири). - Новоси-
бирск: Наука, - 1990 г. - с. 43-47. [Haritonova I.N. To the
fauna of dragonflies (Insecta, Odonata) of mountains of South
Siberia. In: Arthropods and helmints (Fauna of Siberia), No-
vosibirsk, Nauka, 1990, p. 43-47.]
Valle, K.J. Materialen zur Odonatenfauna Finnlands. II Somato-
chlora salbergi Trybom. 1931. Notulae Entomologiae XI 41-50.
The map of sites where Somatochlora sahlbergi Trybom has
been collected in Euroasia. 1 - Petsamfjord (Pechenga); 2 - Po-
lar Ural, Labytnangi; 3 - Yamal, the Tanlovaya river; 4, 5 - the
low Yenisey, Plakhino and Dudinka; 6 - Taymyr, Khatanga; 7 -
the Kolyma, Verkhniy Seymchan; 8 - Magadan region, peninsula Ko-
ni; 9 - Kamchatka, the Pauzhetka river; 10 - South Pribaykalye,
Tunkin Valley; 11 - West Saian, Abaza; 12 - East Manyi; 13 - Al-
tai, Kuraiskiy mountain range.
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