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All the pictures were taken in pure natural conditions without any restriction to a dragonfly freedom.
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CALOPTERYGIDAE Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis v.d. Linden France Calopteryx splendens Harris France Calopteryx virgo L. Germany Calopteryx xanthostoma Portugal Spain LESTIDAE Lestes dryas Kirby Germany Lestes sponsa Hans. Germany Lestes virens Rambur Portugal Lestes viridis v.d. Lind. Portugal COENAGRIONIDAE Ceriagrion tenellum Villers Portugal Germany Coenagrion mercuriale Charp. Portugal France Coenagrion puella L. Germany Coenagrion pulchellum v.d.Lind. Germany Coenagrion scitulum Ramb. Portugal Enallagma cyathigerum cyathigerum Charp.Germany Erythromma lindenii Selys Portugal France Erythromma najas Hans. Germany Erythromma viridulum Charp. France Ischnura elegans v.d. Lind. Germany France Ischnura graelsii Portugal Ischnura pumilio France Pyrrhosoma nymphula Germany PLATYCNEMIDIDAE Platycnemis spp. Portugal Platycnemis acutipennis Selys Portugal France Platycnemis latipes Selys Portugal France Platycnemis pennipes Pall. Germany AESHNIDAE Anax imperator L. Portugal Germany Boyeria irene Fons. Portugal GOMPHIDAE Gomphus graslinii Rambur Portugal France Gomphus pulchellus Selys Portugal Onychogomphus f. unguiculatus v.d.Lind. Portugal Spain France Onychogomphus uncatus Charp. Portugal France SYNTHEMISIDAE Oxygastra curtisi Dale Portugal France LIBELLULIDAE Crocothemis erythraea Germany Leucorrhinia dubia v. d. Lind Germany Leucorrhinia rubicunda rubicunda L. Germany Libellula depressa L. Portugal Libellula fulva Muel France Orthetrum albistylum albistylum Selys France Orthetrum cancellatum L. Germany Portugal Orthetrum coerulescens Fabr. Portugal France Sympetrum fonscolombii Sel. Portugal France Sympetrum sanguineum Mull. Germany Sympetrum striolatum Charp. Portugal