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All the pictures were taken in pure natural conditions without any restriction to a dragonfly freedom.
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(Click an image to enlarge and see the detailed legend)
CALOPTERYGIDAE Calopteryx splendens intermedia Selys EUPHAEIDAE Epallage fatime Charp. LESTIDAE Lestes barbarus Fabr. COENAGRIONIDAE Coenagrion ornatum Selys Coenagrion persicum Lohnamm Enallagma cyathigerum risi Schmidt Ischnura elegans Vander Lind. PLATYCNEMIDIDAE Platycnemis kervillei Martin AESHNIDAE Aeshna mixta Latr. Anaciaeschna isoceles Mueller Anax imperator L. Caliaeschna microstigma Schneider GOMPHIDAE Gomphus kinzelbachi Rambur Gomphus schneideri Selys Onychogomphus lefebvrii Rambur LIBELLULIDAE Libellula depressa L. Orthetrum brunneum Fons. Orthetrum cancellatum L. Orthetrum taeniolatum Schneider Sympetrum arenicolor Joedicke Sympetrum fonscolombii Sel.