Parnassius stubbendorfii Menetries, 1849. (= Driopa stubbendorffii; = Parnassius stubbendorffi; = P. stubbendorfi).
A larva of this species is quite unlike that of, say,
Parnassius apollo (see above). Photographed on a leaf of
its foodplant, an ephemeroid Corydalis bracteata (Stephan ex
Willd.) Pers.
Range: the mountains of South Siberia and the adjacent lowlands, Mongolia, the Far East, the Sakhalin, NE China, Korea.
ssp.: typicus Bryk, 1914; range: Altai Mts., the Kuznetskoe Nagorye upland, the eastern Novosibirsk Province.
A third instar larva, photographed in captivity.
Collected at: willow and bird cherry thickets on the bottom of the Bugotak Bugotak River valley between the villages Karpysak and the state farm Samarskiy, Toguchin District, Novosibirsk
Province, West Siberia, Russia. 7th May 1994. O. Kosterin.
Ареал: горы Южной Сибири и прилежащие равнины, Монголия, Дальний Восток России, Сахалин, СВ. Китай, Корея.
ssp.: typicus Bryk, 1914; ареал: Алтай, Кузнецкое нагорье, всточная часть Новосибирской области.