Parnassius eversmanni Menetries in Siemaschko, 1850.
Males of this species have an unique yellow colouration for the genus (sharing this feature with a very close Far Eastern species P. litoreus (Stichel, in Vystman, 1907)), females being greyish, so exhibiting a remarkable case of the sexual dimorphism. The species inhabits highlands and is very local, presenting in some cirques but absent in others. The males fly low above the grass at sunny weather over very limited meadow sections of meadow patches, they immediately sit sown when the sun disappears (as here). Females are little active.
Range: The mountains of S and E Siberia and the Far East (Except for Primorye), Mongolia and Alasca.
ssp.: eversmanni Menetries in Siemaschko, 1850. (= altaicus Verity, 1911; = lacinia Hemming, 1934); range: the mountains of S Siberia and Mongolia.
A female, wings open.
A flowery alpine meadow in a valley of the rivulet descending from the southerm principle slope of the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain range between the Chikty and Akbul Rivulets, 2700 m above sea level, the upper Dzhazator River basin, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 10th July 1998. O. Kosterin.