Heodes hippothoe (Linnaeus, 1761) (= Lycaena hippothoe; = Palaeochrysophanus hippothoe) - Purple-edged Copper.
Copulation of normal individuals on Pedicularis anthemifolia Fisch. ex Colla.
Range: the temperate Euroasia north to polar regions or the middle taiga belt.
ssp.: saiana Kozhantshikov, 1923; range: the mountains of S Siberia and the Prilenskoe Plateau.
An alpine meadow in the valley of the headwater of the Chikty Rivulet, 2500 m above sea level, the southern principle slope of the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain range, the upper Dzhazator River basin, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, West SIberia, Russia. 22nd July 1998. O. Kosterin.