Ahlbergia frivaldszkyi (Kindernann in Lederer, 1853) (= Ginsia frivaldszkyi; = Satsuma frivaldszkyi; = Callophrys frivaldszkyi).
Range: the southern forest zone from the Irtysh River and Altai Mts. to the Pacific.
ssp.: frivaldszkyi (Kindernann in Lederer, 1853); range: Altai, Kuznetsk Upland and West Sayan Mts.
wings closed.
An edge of an asp/birch/bird cherry wood in the valley of a brook being a right tributary of the Chem River, 5 km NNE of the village Ust'-Chem, Iskitim District, Novosibirsk Province, West Siberia, Russia. 10th May 1995. O. Kosterin.