Tongeia fischeri (Eversmann, 1843) (= Everis fischeri).
This tiny species is strictly connected to
dry rocky slopes or stony steppes where its foodlplants,
the succulent Orostachys spp. (O. spinosa (L.) C.A. Meyer, O.
malacophylla (Pallas) Fischer) grow. It gives two-three broods.
Range: from SE Europe to Japan, south to the Dzhungarian Alatau Mts. and Mongolia.
ssp.: fischeri (Eversmann, 1843); range: except for the Sakhalin and ? Japan.
A copulating pair; wings closed.
The steppen rocky southern slope of the hill Sopka Mokhnataya of the hill chain called Bugotakskie Sopki, Toguchin District, Novosibirsk Province, Russia. 12th June 1995. O. Kosterin.