Plebejidea cyane (Eversmann, 1854) (= Sublysandra cyane; = Glabroculus cyane; = Polyommatus cyane).
Range: the lower Volga basin; South Siberia east to S Transbaikalia, the mountains of East Kazakhstan.
ssp.: cyane (Eversmann, 1854) - ? monoytpical.
A female; wings closed; on Goniolimon speciosum (L.) Boiss. - its obligate larval foodplant, the inflorescences of which the imagines are also strictly keep to
A saline steppe between the elevation Zolotaya Griva and Lake Teniz, 13 km SW of the village Novokrasnoe, Chistozernyi District, Novosibirsk Province (on the Kazakhstan border), Russia. 22nd June 1994. O. Kosterin.