Plebicula amanda (Schneider, 1792) - Amanda's Blue
Range: the non-tropical Eurasia north to the middle taiga belt.
ssp: amanda (Schneider, 1792); range: except for the Far East.
A male, wings closed on Phleum phleoides.
A herbaceous meadow with birch groves on the interfluve between the
Shadrikha and Zyryanka Rivulets at the village Lozhok at
Akademgorodok [Novosibirsk Academy Town], Novosibirsk District
and Province, West Siberia, Russia. 29th June 1998. O. Kosterin.
Ареал: внетропическая евразия до зоны средней тайги.
ssp: amanda (Schneider, 1792); ареал: кроме Дальнего Востока.
Самец на Phleum phleoides.