Syrichtus tessellum (Huebner, 1803) (= Muschampia tesselum) - Tesselated Skipper.
Range: The forest-steppe and steppe zones of Eurasia from SE Europe and Antherior Asia through southern Ural and Siberia to Yakutia, Upper Amurland, and Primorye.
ssp.: tessellum (Hubner, 1803); range: east to West Siberia.
wings open
A bushy meadow on the second right bank terrace of the Koen River at the mouth of the Volchikha Rivulet, just downstream of the village Nizhnii Koen, Iskitim District, Novosibirsk Province, West Siberia, Russia. 4th July 1992. O. Kosterin.
Ареал: Лесостепная и степная зоны Евразии от ЮВ Европы и Передней Азии
через Южный Урал и Сибирь до Якутии, Верхнего Приамурья и Приморья
ssp.: tessellum (Hubner, 1803); ареал: на восток до Западной Сибири

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