Carterocephalus palaemon (Pallas, 1771) (= Pamphilida palaemon) - Chequered Skipper.
Range: The temperate Eurasia, the islands of Sakhalin, Kuriles, Japan, the west of North America, from forest-tundra in the north to forest-steppe in the south.
ssp: albiguttata (Christoph, 1893) (= taigana Kurenzov, 1970; = australis Kurenzov, 1941); range: Ural, Siberia, the Far East.
A male on Geranium sylvaticum L.; wings half open.
An open birch forest in the Zyryanka Rivulet valley near its fall into the Novosibirsk Water Reserve. 29th May 1997. O. Kosterin.
Ареал: умеренная Евразия, включая тихоокеанские острова, запад Северной Америки,
от лесотундры до лесостепи
ssp: albiguttata (Christoph, 1893) (= taigana Kurenzov, 1970; = australis Kurenzov, 1941); подвид: Урал, Сибирь, Дальний Восток.